Who Are in Leadership?

The VCCCC leadership includes professionals in the medical, legal and non-profit fields who are passionate about promoting education and dialogue about Advance Care Planning, POLST, and serious illness conversations. By uniting under the banner of compassionate end-of-life care and advance care planning, we strive to transform society’s approach to this crucial aspect of life. Together, we can help people navigate the complexities of medical decisions, alleviate burdens on families, and ensure that each person’s journey concludes with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Leadership Committee Members

Andrea Gallagher

Get in Touch Now

Our membership meetings occur every fourth Tuesday from January to November, starting at 8:30 AM. These gatherings take place virtually, with occasional in-person sessions providing networking opportunities and a chance to reconnect with friends. To learn more about our upcoming meetings, reach out to us at inquiry.vvcccc.org@gmail.com.