Who Are in Leadership?
The VCCCC leadership includes professionals in the medical, legal and non-profit fields who are passionate about promoting education and dialogue about Advance Care Planning, POLST, and serious illness conversations. By uniting under the banner of compassionate end-of-life care and advance care planning, we strive to transform society’s approach to this crucial aspect of life. Together, we can help people navigate the complexities of medical decisions, alleviate burdens on families, and ensure that each person’s journey concludes with the dignity and respect they deserve.

Leadership Committee Members
Andrea Gallagher
Andrea Gallagher is President of Senior Concerns, 2021 Nonprofit of the Year by the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, and 2021 Business of the Year by the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging. Andrea is a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and Founder of dialogue cards for seniors and family caregivers called The Cards I’ve Been Dealt™. Andrea serves on the Steering Committee for the Ventura County Coalition for Compassionate Care and on the Clinical Ethics Advisory Committee for Los Robles Hospital and Medical Center. Previously, Andrea served as past President of the national organization Life Planning Network, and served as Life Transitions Chair of The International Conference on Positive Aging. Andrea is one of the editors and chapter contributor to the book LIVE SMART AFTER 50! An Experts’ Guide to Life Planning for Uncertain Times and author of the Acorn column Other Side of Fifty. Andrea is the recipient of the 2020 William E. Hamm Outstanding Service Award from California Lutheran University Community Leaders Association as Senior Support Champion. She is a national speaker on topics related to positive aging. You can read her blog at https://www.rethinkingyourfuture.com/.
Jaz Kaur-Vermani
Dr. Jaz Kaur-Vermani is a physician who specializes in palliative medicine. Her incredibly rich career experience has taught her to appreciate the varied aspects of health and illness across many settings, including the clinic, hospital, home and long-term care. Dr. Kaur-Vermani has worked in the field of hospice and palliative care since 2008, and has been privileged to witness many times the miracles that occur with comfort focused care for those suffering from terminal illness. Along with her necessary clinical skills, come what matters most – a willingness to really listen, and the ability to communicate with patients and families.
Martha Shapiro
Martha Shapiro is the Director of Programs for Senior Concerns. In this role, Martha oversees the Adult Day Program, the Caregiver Support Center, and the Senior Advocate Program. She ensures that the programs run smoothly day to day and that every participant is treated with dignity and respect to maximize their quality of life. Martha brings to this role a background in older adult services and caregiver support. She earned her Master’s degree in Social Welfare from UCLA and currently holds her License in Clinical Social Work (LCSW). Martha serves on many community committees including the Ventura County Military Collaborative, The Financial Abuse Specialist Team, The Ventura County Compassionate Care Coalition, The Dementia Care Network and the LGBT Aging Coalition of Ventura County.
Phone: (805) 497-0189 ext. 230
Email: mshapiro@seniorconcerns.org
Teri Helton
Teri Helton, MSN, RN is a Faith Community Nurse and health minister. She currently leads the Health Ministry Partnership of Ventura County and is secretary for the national Health Ministry Association. Teri is chair of the Ventura County Coalition for Compassionate Care (VCCCC) and President of the Ventura County Interfaith Community (VCIC). Her life experiences in faith communities and nursing in long-term care, private duty, hospitals, and hospice have given her a passion for educating individuals about healthy aging, spiritual pain and healing, serious illness conversations, advance care planning and more.
Ken Kossoff
Ken Kossoff is the co-founder and co-CEO of Solo Aging Solutions that provide dedicated Healthcare Agents to uphold individual’s healthcare wishes, especially for those who do not have anyone to speak for them. Ken has nearly four decades of experience as an attorney. He has been in practice in Westlake Village since 1998 and is a partner in Panitz & Kossoff LLP. Ken is an Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Law Specialist Certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization. Ken has decades of experience in helping people negotiate the maze of personal, emotional, business and legal issues that arise as people age and pass on. Ken is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and the Duke University School of Law.
Kenneth W. Kossoff
Panitz & Kossoff, LLP
Estate & Life Care Planning, Probate & Trust Law
Federal & State Tax Litigation
5743 Corsa Avenue – Suite 208
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Phone: (818) 865-0766
Fax: (818) 991-1754
email: kwk@pktaxlaw.com
website: www.pkestatelaw.com
Kate Lewis
The Rev Kate Lewis, BCC is an Episcopal priest and Board-Certified Chaplain recently retired as Manager of Spiritual Care for St. Johns Hospitals in Oxnard and Camarillo. She is a POLST trainer and her area of special interest is Advance Care Planning for adults with disabilities.
Pauline Matundan Garcia
Pauline Matundan Garcia is the Director of Care Transitions at Livingston Memorial VNA & Hospice. She has dedicated the last decade working in hospice and palliative care, passionately advocating for patients and their families. In her current role, she guides patients and caregivers through post-acute care options, while making it a priority that vulnerable populations have access to high-quality care. She also serves on the Next Generation Leadership Council of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), chairing its subcommittee on developing the younger workforce and serving on NHPCO’s Diversity Advisory Council and cross-committee groups. Garcia graduated with honors from California Lutheran University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in marketing communication. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Patrick; son, Presley; and little chihuahua, Kona.
Brian Barry

Get in Touch Now
Our membership meetings occur every fourth Tuesday from January to November, starting at 8:30 AM. These gatherings take place virtually, with occasional in-person sessions providing networking opportunities and a chance to reconnect with friends. To learn more about our upcoming meetings, reach out to us at inquiry.vvcccc.org@gmail.com.